heart. peace. and Allah.
the wide-ranging research into the connection between religious belief and physical health carried out by Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical Faculty has produced surprising conclusions. despite not being a believer himself, Dr. Benson has concluded that worship and belief in Allah have a more positive effect on human health than that observed in anything else. Benson states that he has concluded that no belief provides as much mental peace as belief in Allah.
what is the reason for this connection between belief and the human soul and body? the conclusion reached by the secular researcher Benson is, in his own words, that the human body and mind are regulated to believe in Allah.
this fact, which the world of medicine has slowly begun to appreciate, is a secret revealed in the Qur'an in these words: "Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace." [QS ar-Ra'd 28] the reason why those who believe in Allah, who pray to and trust in Him, are psychologically and physically healthier is that they behave in accordance with the purpose of their creation. philosophies and systems which contradict human creation always lead to pain and unhappiness. [pengalaman pribadi: menghambakan diri dan menaruh harapan kepada selain Allah hanya membuat hati ini tertekan dan gelisah]
modern medicine is now tending towards the realization of this truth. as Patrick Glynn put it: "[S]cientific research in psychology over the past twenty-five years has demonstrated that,... religious belief is one of the most consistent correlates of overall mental health and happiness."
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