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June 22, 2004

science finds GOD

There is a mind and purpose behind the universe. There are hints of that divine presence in how abstract mathematics can penetrate the universe's secrets, which suggests that a rational mind created the world. Nature is fined tuned to allow life and consciousness to emerge.
[John Polkinghorne, British Physicist]

...Something else has to be behind things, somehow guiding them. And that, one might say, is a kind of mathematical proof of divinity.
[Guy Marchie, American Science Writer]

An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have brought the universe into existence.
An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed the universe.
An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed planet Earth.
An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed life.
[Hugh Ross]

:: The Creation of the Universe ::

Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berakal, (yaitu) orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi (seraya berkata): "Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia. Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka."
[QS Ali 'Imran 190-191]

Rasulullah saw bersabda: "...Maka celakalah orang-orang yang membaca (ayat tersebut) sedang ia tidak memikirkannya."
[HR Ibnu Hibban]

June 15, 2004

ingatlah maut

Al-Rabi' bin Khutsaim menggali kubur di dalam rumahnya, dan setiap malam dia biasa tidur di situ sehingga dia bisa terus-menerus mengingat maut. "Sekiranya ingatan akan maut hilang dari hatiku untuk sesaat saja," demikian dia sering berkata, "niscaya hatiku akan menjadi rusak."

syair kematian

Setelah kematian Fathimah Az-Zahra' bintu Rasulullah--sang istri tercinta, Ali bin Abu Thalib melantunkan syair:

Setiap pertemuan dua kekasih berakhir dengan perpisahan
Segala sesuatu adalah sedikit selain dari kematian
Aku kehilangan Fathimah setelah Muhammad tercinta
Ini bukti bahwa tiada kekasih yang abadi selamanya...

June 12, 2004


Your God is One God. There is no god but Him...
[Qur'an, 2:163]

..."He is God, Absolute Oneness."
[Qur'an, 112:1]

New Testament
...The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength... You are right in saying that God is One, and there is no other but Him.
[Mark 12:29, 30, 32]

Old Testament
"There is no one like You, O Lord, and there is no God but You."
[1 Chronicles 17:20]

You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; besides Him, there is no other.
[Deuteronomy 4:35]

kiamat & surat al-Kahfi

The numerical values (abjad) in some of the verses in surat Al-Kahf point to times very close to our own day

We fortified their hearts... [QS al-Kahf 4]
1400 A.H. (Anno Hegirae, the Islamic calendar) or 1979 A.D. (Anno Domini, 'In the year of our Lord,' the Christians' Gregorian calendar)

He said: "The power my Lord has granted me is better than that..." [QS al-Kahf 95]
1409 A.H., or 1988 A.D. (without shaddah)

We gave him power and authority on Earth, and granted him a way to everything... [QS al-Kahf 84]
1440 A.H., or 2019 A.D. (with shaddah)

A sign pointing at the beginning of the fourteenth Islamic century and the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first Christian century is the number 1980, which is obtained by multiplying Surat al-Kahf's number of verses with its order number.

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi also often indicated that this time was the beginning of the End Times. He says, for example:
Thus, unfair people who do not know this truth say: 'Why did the Companions of the Prophet with their vigilant hearts and keen sight, who had been taught all the details of the hereafter, suppose a fact that would occur one thousand four hundred years later to be close to their century, as though their ideas had deviated a thousand years from the truth?'

Sura 18: Surat al-Kahf (contains 110 verses)
18 x 110 = 1980

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, by saying '1400 years after' the Companions of the Prophet indicated the years around 1980 as the end times. Here it is important to note that he said 1400, not 1373, 1378, and not 1398. In other words, the fourteenth Islamic century.

Surat al-Kahf contains very good news for the Muslims. This news, as our Prophet (saas) revealed, is the approaching blessed period of the End Times. If Surat al-Kahf is viewed from this perspective, it is pointing at the different phases, beginning, development, and conclusion of Islam in the End Times, culminating in the rule of Islam and concluding with the arrival of 'Isa (as).
