deadly deception
most people know of Allah's existence and accept it but they do not praise His might as they should. the matter on which they fall into deception is not Allah's existence but His attributes. for example, they believe quite rightly that Allah is very generous, affectionate and compassionate towards His servants but they do not really take on board his attribute of being the Punisher of resistance to the faith and the One Who torments and curses the deniers.
these people who do not praise Allah as they should either have no fear of Allah at all or very little. in terms of the Hereafter, this is very dangerous for them because a person with no fear of Allah who does not believe that he will be punished for what he does can easily commit all kinds of evil acts. such people may succumb to the perverse idea, which is in no way related to the truth, that although they commit every sin which Allah condemns, He will forgive them anyway. satan approaches people from this direction and causes them to imagine that they will be forgiven whatever they do.
the truth is that people who think in such a way have fallen into a great error because although Allah is the One Who accepts repentance and forgives those who repent, at the same time, He is the One Who, with eternal justice, repays everything which is done in the manner it deserves. of course, those who do evil as well as those who do good will receive the repayment they deserve on the Day of Judgment. the Qur'an tells us this truth:
Or do those who perpetrate evil deeds suppose that We will make them like those who believe and do right actions, so that their lives and deaths will be the same? How bad their judgment is! Allah created the heavens and Earth with truth so that every self might be repaid for what it earned and they will not be wronged. [QS al-Jathiyya 21-22]
however, we should point out that naturally, any person can make mistakes during his life and may feel remorse for the wrong things he has done and the mistakes he has made because man is prone to error. nobody can claim to be perfect. because of this, while he is in the world a person can repent to Allah in order to be forgiven. until death, Allah allows everybody the opportunity for repentance; but the Qur'an tells us what kind of repentance is sincere and will be accepted. in the following verses, Allah tells us that sincerity is a condition of repentance:
Allah only accepts the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and then quickly repent after doing it. Allah turns towards such people. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. There is no repentance for people who persist in doing evil until death comes to them and who then say, "Now I repent," nor for people who die unbelievers. We have prepared for them a painful punishment. [QS an-Nisa' 17-18]
since this is the case, when a person falls into error he should not regard it as unimportant and think, "Never mind, I'll be forgiven anyway," he should sincerely turn towards our Lord and repent his mistake with the determination to put it right. what is important is for a person to be a sincere and honest servant of Allah. only in this way can he hope for Allah's forgiveness. those who do not take refuge in Allah and do not ask for forgiveness, who think that Allah will forgive them anyway, will meet with results which they do not at all expect.
be careful and do not risk making the mistake, with which Allah will not be pleased, of thinking that He will forgive you whatever happens. otherwise you will be placing your eternal life in a grave danger of your own making.
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